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Recent Publications


Autologous bone grafting and double screw fixation for unstable scaphoid non-unions with cavitary bone loss

Ek ET, Johnson PR, Bohan CM, Padmasekara G. Journal of Hand Surgery (Eur) 2020 (In press)


Clinical outcomes of double screw fixation with autologous bone grafting for unstable scaphoid delayed or non-unions with cavitary bone loss. Ek ET, Johnson PR, Bohan CM, Padmasekara G. Journal of Wrist Surgery 2020 (In press)


Measurement of scaphoid bone microarchitecture: A computed tomography imaging study and implications for screw placement.

Huntington LS, Mandaleson A, Hik F, Ek ET, Ackland DC, Tham SK. Journal Hand Surgery (American) 2020 (In press)


Periprosthetic fracture of the scaphoid after successful headless compression screw fixation - report of two cases.

Liu EH, Schulz PD, Ek ET. Journal of Hand Surgery (Eur) (2020) [Epub ahead of print]


Scaphocapitate fusion for the treatment of Lichtman stage III Kienböck's disease. Results of a single center study with literature review

Collon S, Tham SK, McCombe D, Bacle G.  Hand Surg Rehabil​. 2020;39(3):201-206


Medial femoral trochlea graft for scaphoid waist non-union: A case report and review of the literature.

Crepaldi B, Keating, Ek ET, Tham SK. Journal of Wrist Surgery. (2020); 9 (3): 186-189


Isolated proximal radioulna joint instability - etiology, diagnosis and current treatment options.

Jamieson RP, Ek ET. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (JBJS) Reviews. (2020); 8 (5) e169


Arthroscopic scapholunate ligament thermal shrinkage.

Ek ET, Blackshaw RM. Book chapter In: Arthroscopy and Endoscopy of the Elbow, Wrist and Hand: Surgical anatomy and techniques. Bhatia D et al (Editors). Springer Nature (In press)


Arthroscopy of the Pisotriquetral joint.

Ek ET, Jamieson RJ. Book chapter In: Arthroscopy and Endoscopy of the Elbow, Wrist and Hand: Surgical anatomy and techniques. Bhatia D et al (Editors). Springer Nature (In press)


Quantitative analysis of in-vivo thumb carpometacarpal joint kinematics using four-dimensional computed tomography. 

Wang KK, Zhang X, McCombe D, Ackland DC, Ek ET, Tham SK. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2018;43(10):1088-1097. 


Minimally invasive fixation of ultrasmall proximal pole scaphoid fractures.

Ek ET, Wang KK. Book chapter In: Arthroscopy and Endoscopy of the Elbow, Wrist and Hand: Surgical anatomy and techniques. Bhatia D et al (Editors). Springer Nature (In press)


Arthroscopic releases of the proximal radioulna joint.

Ek ET, Wang KK. Book chapter In: Arthroscopy and Endoscopy of the Elbow, Wrist and Hand: Surgical anatomy and techniques. Bhatia D et al (Editors). Springer Nature (In press)


Arthroscopic management of lateral elbow instability.

Ek ET, Kirby JC. Book chapter In: Arthroscopy and endoscopy of the hand, wrist and elbow: Principles and Practice. Liu EH (Editor). Springer Nature (In press)

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